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Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Late Lt-General Denzil Kobbekaduwa (RWP RSP VSV USP), Late Maj-General Vijaya Wimalaratne (RWP RSP VSV USP ), Rear Admiral Mohan Jayamaha (RWP RSP USP).

`On 8th August 1992 at 10.00 Hrs an explosion destroyed the lives of the above heroes and 7 others at Araly Point in Jaffna Sgt Upali was the sole survivor of that blast and a quirk of fate enabled Wg Cmdr Sunil Cabraal the principal hero of Operation Eagle, to live as he was delayed in joining this group.

Late Lt. Gen. Kobbekaduwa had his initial officer training at the prestigious British Mlitary Academy in Sandhurst. On being commissioned, he progressed in his career and went onto hold senior appointments in the Army. He was respected as an officer and a gentleman, hero and leader. One of his outstanding achievements was the formation of the Rapid Deployment Force which formed the nucleus of the Special Forces Regiment. This elite group achieved legendary victories and was respected and feared by friend and foe alike.

He was loved and respected by both civil and military personnel. A measure of that regard was evidenced by the large number of people who came to Colombo from the North and East to pay their last respects. He led and motivated his troops by sheer force of personality and professionalism. He sacrificed a happy family life for the serving of his motherland. It is said that he stayed away for almost ten years. His widow now continues his good work through the Denzil Kobbekaduwa Trust. The vast majority of people will always remember the endearing qualities of a man that one can call a true son of our soil.

Late Maj-General Vijaya Wimalaratne enlisted as an officer cadet in the Army in 1963. He too progressed rapidly in his career and achieved senior Army positions. On the other hand he achieved a reputation as an aggressive warrior, expert strategist/planner and an uncompromising leader.

He was compared with the late US General George S. Patton. In 1969 he was sent to Malaysia for jungle combat training and he became an expert after graduation. As a specialist he trained officers to become professional jungle fighters. He also fine-tuned them in counter and anti-terrorist tactics so that they could operate in restricted environments anywhere. He was known to his troops as 'kala kumaraya'. He raised and nurtured the 1st Btn Gajabha Regiment ensuring many battle successes.

Some of these officers later went onto elite Special Forces and Commando Regiments, etc where they excelled in battle and made individual reputations which remain unmatched at large.

In Operation Liberation he commanded 3 Brigade in a 2 Brigade operation-a first in the SL Army. He was a daring warrior, sometimes to the point of recklessness, in calling for friendly fire near his positions when situations seemed hopeless. He was thus injured on many occasions. Along with Lt-Gen Kobbekaduwa - they were the ultimate strategic partnership, a first among equals! To our

Motherland his loss was irreplaceable. Late Rear Admiral Mohan Jayamaha held the senior position of COMNORTH at his death. Unlike the Army Generals he had restricted combat opportunities and was thereby deprived of similar reputations.

However this had absolutely no bearing on his forthright professionalism in warfare and military support functions. The fact that he was chosen for the operation at Araly is proof enough of his undisputed professionalism.

The fickleness of human nature makes people forget these heroes, who made the supreme sacrifice for you and me.

The brave deeds that men do, tend to end up with them in their graves. Most lawmakers do not consider that these sacrifices should not have been in vain and continue with political agendas. Only the families and the patriotic will remember them. Don't you owe them at least this much? Sabbe Sankhara Annica (All that is origination is subject to cessation)

True patriotic sons of our soil may you attain the supreme bliss of nibbana.

The General Ranjan Wijeratne Foundation



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