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President firmly dedicated to peace efforts - PM

PRIME MINISTER Mahinda Rajapakse yesterday described President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga as a democratic leader with firm dedication and courage to implement her vision for the country's benefit regardless of obstacles placed in her path.

Premier Rajapakse in an interview with ITN last night to mark 60th birthday of President Kumaratunga noted that she was able to come forward on this long journey chiefly due to her firm dedication and clever leadership.

He said the late Prime Minister S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike started a revolution in 1951 taking a decision to quit the UNP Government and sit with the Opposition together with his own father the late D.A. Rajapakse.

The late Premier who identified the pulse of the common man took this historic decision with the sole intention of serving the public.

The Bandaranaike family and the Rajapakse family had a longstanding association. After this significant political event in 1951 the friendship and good relations between two families were further strengthened. This is because both families represented and acted based on a single political vision.

Rajapakse said he entered active politics in 1968 under the leadership of the late Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

President Kumaratunga entered the political arena after the 1970 General Election. Her appointment as Director of the Land Reforms Commission (LRC) can be described as one of the significant milestones in a remarkable social and political career.

This helped the public to identify her unassuming nature and her commitment and dedication towards public service. As the LRC Chief she went to the villages and made a praiseworthy service to the people. People identified this move as a new concept and the younger generation rallied round her.

She always represented country's progressive forces and actively joined hands with the SLFP following Bandaranaike policies. She also gained a wide knowledge and experience during the time of her higher studies at the Sorbornne University.

The Prime Minister said after 1977, acute political changes took place in the country. The citizens had to face oppression. Amid incidents of harassment of SLFPers, Kumaratunga voluntarily went and met supporters and protested against such undemocratic acts of the then UNP Government.

Two months after the 1977 General Election, the SLFP started its `Dinakara' newspaper. President Kumaratunga also made an immense contribution to publish this newspaper.

Meeting Vijaya Kumaratunga was one of the most significant events in the political life of President Kumaratunga. The main reason for this meeting may be the President's keen interest in the arts. Later she actively took part in politics.

During the late 1980s, various allegations were levelled against the SLFP by the then UNP Government. Vijaya was imprisoned by the Government in 1982. She visited the prison daily to see Vijaya and fulfil her duties by her husband.

Rajapakse noted that she also did commendable work to provide relief to the victims of the Black July which erupted in the country on July 23, 1983. The SLFP Leadership condemned this incident and took all measures to calm the situation.

Both Chandrika and Vijaya actively dedicated and played a leading role to seek a solution to the ethnic problem. Both of them went to Madras and Jaffna to create an understanding between the two communities and to resume peace negotiations to end to the ethnic problem. This can be termed a historic occasion in Sri Lanka's political history.

After Vijaya's death, Mrs.Kumaratunga went aborad. During her days aborad with her children, she was actively involved in the campaign to protect and safeguard human rights. Even though she was out of the country, she actively engaged in politics.

The Western Provincial Council can be described as the political launching pad of Chandrika Kumaratunga in representative politics.

She started her social change from the Western Provincial Council becoming its Chief Minister. As the Chief Minister, the service rendered by her proved to the entire country that she is a clever leader. Later she became the Prime Minister and the President.

After 1994, the Chandrika Era' was ushered in the country. The entire country could witness her strict and honest leadership. She placed the party on the peace path.

Since the President assumed office, she openly declared that a negotiated settlement should be the answer to the country's ethnic problem. During her administration, President has successfully fulfilled this requirement.

After the 1994 General Election the first round of negotiations were started by the President. Even today she is firmly on this stand and makes every possible attempt to bring a lasting solution to the ethnic problem through negotiations.

Premier Rajapakse further said that at the time President Kumaratunga took over the leadership, international confidence in Sri Lanka was at a low ebb and the country had passed an era of human violations and a large number of youth had been killed.

Once the President assumed office, she took immediate measures to put an end to the political culture developed in the country to suppress political opponents. President Kumaratunga completely ended this ongoing political trend creating an environment to safeguard the peoples' rights.

Commenting on the President's outstanding characteristics, Premier noted that President possessed the rare quality of giving an ear to ideas of her political opponents.

Even though she lost an eye due to the LTTE attack, she invited to the LTTE to resume peace talks. This clearly indicates her firm dedication and commitment made towards the peace effort.

The President has also rendered a great service in developing the education sector by implementing Educational reforms. Specially as a mother, she attempted to provide equal education opportunities to every child by keeping the Education Ministry under her purview.

As a mother the President has a keen interest on children. In order to strengthen the weakened state sector, 40,000 employment opportunities were created for graduates. In addition another 33,000 jobs were given to youth through the Samurdhi movement.



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