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Australia welcomes P-TOMS

AUSTRALIAN Minster of Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer, MP in a press release states: "I welcome the signing of an agreement between the Sri Lankan Government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to establish a Post-Tsunami Operational Management Structure (P-TOMS).

"The P-TOMS has the potential to facilitate the equitable and transparent distribution of tsunami assistance in the North and East and to build confidence between the Government and the LTTE.

Moreover, I recognise the importance of the Muslim community in the functioning of the P-TOMS. I encourage the rapid implementation of the structure.

"The Australian Government supports Sri Lanka's peace process, and calls on both sides to recommence formal peace talks, which were suspended in April 2003.

"Australia is concerned at persistent violence in Sri Lanka, including ongoing assassinations.

I urge all parties to take necessary steps to enforce the provisions of the ceasefire agreement. I call on the LTTE to stop the recruitment of child soldiers and release all child soldiers in its ranks.

"The Australian Government provides practical support to peace building, humanitarian efforts and development in Sri Lanka through the aid program, which amounted to $ 39.8 million this year. This included over $10 million for vital tsunami assistance.

Australia is committed to continue to assist tsunami reconstruction efforts in Sri Lanka."



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