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Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Universal acclaim for P-TOMS

The universal acclaim for the P-TOMS agreement shows that the blood, sweat, toil and tears of our President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga was not in vain.

The international community led by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has lauded the President for her courage in overcoming chauvinist majoritarianism agitation against the setting up of the structure. He welcomed the Tsunami aid sharing deal between the Government and the LTTE as a Red Letter Day for the island. The UN Secretary General was not only pleased with the agreement between the Government and the LTTE but emphasized that he would like to express his appreciation for the leadership shown by President Kumaratunga in achieving this result and the joint commitment of the parties to the rebuilding of the devastated areas.

The UN Chief said they had done the right thing in placing people's needs first. The UN Chief also welcomed the inclusion of the Muslim minorities in the Committees that will administer the Fund.

The Secretary General hoped the agreement will place Sri Lanka on the road to full recovery from this unparalleled tragedy.

The Hindu, which is the foreign paper which follows the events in Sri Lanka particularly the ethnic problem, very highly praised the exemplary courage by President Kumaratunga in countering and combatting the political difficulties particularly after the JVP withdrawal from the coalition.

It has described her as the only truly non-chauvinist, non-majoritarian leader who has had one overriding goal through two terms as President: to bring peace to the country.

For 10 long years since she became PM the President has extended a firm hand of peace and friendship to the LTTE and spent sleepless days and nights working towards solving the ethnic problem which has been the bane of progress in this country.

Despite the fact that the LTTE reneged on the 1995 cessation of hostilities agreement for no reason at all the President zealously and tenaciously continued her efforts.

In her crusade to bring about a permanent peace to this fair isle President Kumaratunga has had to face seemingly insurmountable obstacles but she is one of those rare human beings who is of the view that obstacles however difficult can be overcome given the will.

Those misguided political extremists who whip up support amongst hooligans and chauvinists who do not even know the basics of Buddhism, does not belong to Sri Lanka that the Buddha was not a Sri Lankan, neither was He born in this island, but his message was that of peace, understanding, goodwill, respect for all religions and philosophies, tolerance and above all love for ones' fellow beings.

Buddhist priests like those of other religions are required to go round the country spreading peace, harmony, spiritual upliftment to their flock and not to join unruly mobs bent on destabilizing the country.

Let the P-TOMS be the beginning of a new era of peace, happiness and goodwill among the people of this country, whatever their religion or race may be.

Towards this end, now we have the support of the whole international community, Norway, US, the EU, Japan, India, Pakistan, China and other nations who have taken a great and active interest in helping this country in its hour of need.



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