Tuesday, 21 December 2004  
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Graduates, the key factor in Rata Perata

The path to national development

Tomorrow the country is yours

Dear Brother/Sister

The graduates are the group who have received the highest education in our country. The majority of the graduates hail from rural areas and therefore it is needless to stress that challenges they face are comparatively grave in their walk of life.

I am quite aware of the bitter experience, you had already confronted in the course of your struggle agitating for employment. In that context we have given serious thought to this burning problem and consequently the United People's Freedom Alliance Government has given priority in its agenda to make your dream of obtaining a fitting employment with dignity, a reality. It is only by such an endeavour that we could harness your invaluable talents and capabilities for the benefit of the nation.

You too may be quite aware that it would be a Herculean task to provide employment to all graduates without discrimination at one and the same time, particularly in a country like ours where plans were underway to shrink and crumble the State sector, for a considerable period in the past.

It is a pleasure to state that we have done that massive task. We should not forget that this step has been taken by us at a very crucial time in the annals of our recent history.

Unemployment problem of graduates is not new to our country. From time to time we have faced similar situations in various degrees.

History will undoubtedly bear testimony that the United Front government in 1975 and the People's Front government in 1999, having fully realized the situation have afforded employment to graduates.

Here I am addressing you today, not only to share with you the sense of pleasure you enjoy in your prospects of assuming responsible employments within a couple of days time, but also, in particular to request you to render an honest service to all your parents, brothers and sisters, and the entire nation irrespective of social differences, since it is the tax they pay with the sweat of the brow that has elevated you to this position.

My sincere request is that you shall commit yourself to satisfy the masses of this country and not the masters.

Thereby, I am confident that you would be able to contribute your mite to raise their standard of living to a considerable extent. The service expected from you is that and only that.

Wish you all success and future prosperity.

Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, President.


UNP stance on employment to graduates is hypocritic

The United People's Freedom Alliance election pledge to provide employment to 30,000 unemployed graduates is now being implemented in several stages. The following is a gist of an interview the Lake House correspondent had with the Deputy Finance Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya on this topic:

Under this programme 17,000 graduates have now been recruited. What is the type of employment they will be assigned?

They will be posted to Government Departments and Ministries under various designations. Over 8,000 of them will be taken in as teachers and librarians, while 500 will be posted to the Auditor General's Department, 1,137 to the Ministry of Agriculture, 500 to the Transport Ministry, 600 to the Buddhasasana Ministry, 575 to the Ministry of Public Administration, 621 to the Ministry of Women's Affairs and so on.

Are these appointments in line with the degrees they hold?

Definitely yes. They receive appointments in the fields they are familiar with. By this process we expect to give a new lease of life to collapsing ventures.

The original pledge was to provide employment to 30,000 but only 17,000 of them got appointments. Some of them have not submitted their affidavits yet. Is not this a controversial issue?

There is no controversy at all. I am sadned by the false contentions created by malicious elements. In response to the President's eagerness to accelerate the programme, 17,000 appointments were given at first. The remaining graduates will receive their appointments in a matter of another few weeks.

For whom are you feeling sorry?

I feel sorry for the hypocrisy of the UNP who distort our massive task to sort out,select and issue letters of appointment to 41,000 within a short period.

However, the question is how do you select the ideal persons for each post?

Are you of the view that politics was not a relevant factor?

I have never heard of a country which provided employment for 27,000 within a month. But we were able to do so. The ideal selections were made with the assistance of the computer section of the Colombo University. No political influence was involved. I am 100% sure of that. We are ready to accept any challenge. The President has provided an example for the whole country in giving employment without political bias.

The government promised to provide employment to G.C.E. and 8th standard qualified youth too other than the graduates. Any remarks?

We will abolish the Circular No. 16 which prohibited government employment. Then, we will commence the programme to employ the said categories too. Need not have any fear. Only the essential vacancies will be filled definitely in the government sector.

It seems that you are not supposed to find employment only from the public sector?

Yes, the private sector, foreign employment and self-employment too will be processed according to a national programme so that it may not be a burden to the public sector.

The Alliance Government has taken the responsibility to initiate this employment programme on a mid-term and long-term basis. Under this programme a long-term method to create labour to suit the demand as well as to find employment to match the education levels will be launched. I must state here that the H.E. the President, as the Minister of Education is engaged in a pioneer service in this matter.

How could you find money for giving jobs like this?

Government is not a profit earning company. We allocated money needed to fulfill the basic necessities of the country. Some of the schools had to be closed due to lack of teachers. Now problems like that also are solved by giving employment to graduates. The responsibility of a government is to find the required finance to the things which are necessary. What's the use of governing if we are unable to do that?

We have already increased the inland revenue by 15%. There are 200,000 million worth taxes due to be received by the government. Is it not good to use that money for giving jobs to the youth and thereby for the progress of the country?

The public sector have been already weakened. What is the use of entering 27,000 graduates at once to a place like that?

These educated youth have a good attitude of the service they have to render for their country and the people. All that we are doing is to have them the opportunity and motivation they require. Through this there will be a great awakening in the public sector. Public service will actually be a people's service in the true sense of the word.

But, do not some people argue that this kind of giving employment does not comply or match with the economy and it is a mere political gimmick?

People will curse them. It is mere hypocrisy, falsehood and no other thing. We are doing what they were unable to do and they try to pull our legs but they are the people who will fall down.

Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning.


Light at the end of the tunnel

When did you graduate?

I graduated from Peradeniya University in 1998. I have an Arts Degree. Since your graduation what had you been doing?

Under Tharuna Aruna Graduate Training Scheme, I received training in the Management Field at Dinapala Group. I was given a monthly allowance of 3,000 rupees during that period. I was named the best employee. Thereafter I worked as a Junior Executive Officer of one year in Tharuna Aruna Employment Scheme.

What are your experiences in Tharuna Aruna Employment Scheme?

The People's Alliance in power at the time started Tharuna Aruna Project to give employment to graduates. Working with many other brothers and sisters like me, as an unemployed graduate was a valuable experience. I too got an opportunity to contribute in giving quite a number of jobs.

But Tharuna Aruna was a failure?

It is true that Tharuna Aruna was not powerful enough to give employment to all unemployed graduates.

But, it is a very good programme. And also a very good endeavour, which could have been made successful. Without fear I tell, that when the United National Front came to power, this project was destroyed. But still, I have the right and the qualifications to say so.

As a person who was in the programme, I know what really happened. Government employments were shunned for graduates. Thereafter Tharuna Aruna was changed as 'Sarasavi Saviya' and the graduates were led astray. Sarasavi Saviya did not provide at least 10% of the jobs which Tharuna Aruna provided. Nevertheless some 36 millions of Rupees were wasted.

High officials got salaries in lakhs. Not only that. When we tried to show the flaws of the programme, we were victimised. I was sent home on compulsory leave. A large number like me was sent home in this manner.

Though the government says 27,000 graduates will be given employment, there is a fear that this is only a training but not government appointments. If it is so is there any difference between Tharuna Aruna, Sarasavi Saviya and this programme?

My belief is somewhat different. We get employment after the training. This is not a camouflage. The youth from far away places such as Jaffna, came to Colombo in search of jobs after selling their meagre livestock like chicken and goat to earn the bus fare.

But the government cheated them. But now, everyone gets a salary of Rs. 6,000. This is actually a very valuable thing.

This government has started fulfilling a national responsibility. We do not wish to underestimate this as a training.

And I fervently wish and hope the culture of going to worship politicians carrying the graduate certificate, will end from here.

Nilmini Kumari Navarathna, Graduate awaiting employment.


Historic decision

Q: Your federation conducted Islandwide demonstrations on behalf of unemployed graduates. Now Govt. prepares to solve the problem are you satisfied with it?

A: There are 30,000 unemployed graduates. We appreciate the initiative taken by People's Alliance toward unemployed graduates. But you can't limit it at 17000 all should be granted with employment. Until then, we will demons trate.

Q: Do you observe any shortcoming in the Govt. programme of solving this issue?

A: UNP Govt. banned the provision of employment for two years. In such an environment People's Alliance Govt. undertook an embarrassing task. Anyway, it should be transparent and historical issue. There were 56,000 applications including underutilized graduates. But our request is to give prominence to unemployed graduates. An affidavit attesting unemployment in Govt. sector is, hence vital.

Q: Demanding affidavits is a violation of fundamental rights as believed by many people. How do you react on this?

A: 56000 applications won't reflect the unemployment of all graduates. so a mode of selection requires. Govt. should attend to underutilized graduates problem. Submission of an affidavit by unemployed is not wrong.

Q: Graduates demonstrated for nearly 20 years. They held a fast unto death. Do you think the present environment will change your routine?

A: UNP got the best use out of the graduates in 2001, before taking power. Later UNP stated the difficulty of employing pointing world bank. so we had to fast and conduct Satyagrahas to make public awareness on this injustice.

We were mortally attacked on 13th March 2002 at Prime Minister's office. Mahinda Wijesekara attacked us at Matara. They had no proper way to provide us employment but could attack subsequently. But today their is a Govt. which listens to us. Therefore we believe that the unpleasant past is gone and we have arrived at a sort of "oasis".

Q: Do you believe that the Alliance Govt. will mete out justice to you?

A: Yes we believe however, any injustice will not be tolerated the. Will not, hesitate to react to this Govt. as we did to the UNP in event of any injustice.

Q: What will be your future plan?

A: The Alliance Govt has taken a historic step in providing employment to an unprecedented number of graduates. Therefore we must extend our support to the Govt. Our next step will be to fight for job security.

Chandana Suriya Arachchi, Convenor, Federation of Unemployed Graduates


Oath of Allegiance

I am a servant of the public.

I am paid from the public coffers; I am dedicated myself to the service of my country.

I shall render optimum service so as to make my country prosperous and improve the quality of life of my fellow citizens.

To give effect to the above, I shall abide by the following:

1. Observe the principle, "Do it now itself."

2. Welcome the public and attend to the needs expeditiously.

3. Ensure compliance with rules and regulations in public service with priority being assigned to service to the public.

4. Disown abuse of authority or misuse of resources for personal gain. uphold protection of public property and State resources and its economical use as my paramount duty.

5. Do only what is right.

6. Perform duties with no regard to individual status.

7. Always maintain the dignity of public service.

8. Maintain espirit de Corps to ensure the efficiency in public service.








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