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Broad trips Murali on home stretch

by Richard Dwight

Chris Broad's ludicrous droll on a specific Murali delivery with the ball does whilst evoking much humour, also make us respond equally in lighter vein, by putting things down in horse racing Jargon thus - the stakes being the 519 wicket taking mark.

Murali was under starter's orders and soon out in a flash, galloping well and striding beautifully to round the corner to enter the straight and on to the home stretch where, sadly it was here, that Broad true to form chose to trip Murali, the unkindest cut of all.

Most, if not all of us are aware, that Broad does not enjoy a good reputation mainly brought about by his puerile antics, as a cricketer during his playing days. Hence his afterthought, belated criticism on Murali bowling the 'Doorsa', does not come as a surprise to the many, who mean well by this spin wizard. The leading question however is, as to how the ICC with Broad's background, appointed him to serve on the panel of match referees.

The ICC may even stand misunderstood, if they did fail to adhere to the standard and criteria as required for such a post, and thereby for nominating him to act as arbitrator, for the now concluded test series with Australia.

In the light of Ross Emerson's admission, that Australia was behind his calling Murali and, that quite a few of Murali's critics are from Australia - one is constrained to ask, as to whether it was prudent to have Murali examined in Australia. But perhaps there was no alternative, as this university in Australia was, with its expertise and technical know how, the best suited to conduct an examination of this nature.

As we go back in time, we recall the wave of patiotrism that surged through the entire island, where the world of cricket virtually came to a standstill, when the former Sri Lanka skipper, Arjuna Ranatunga, sacrificially displayed rare course to stand his ground in defence of Murali against umpire Emerson. Arjuna, will always be remembered for this unparalleled bold trust. Timely as it was, it had the desired effect as a preliminary to see Murali through, and so lift the country's image as well.

Reflecting on the insidious allegations of chucking made, of and on against Murali by a surreptitious motley few. It is apparent that they find it hard to reconcile themselves to the fact, that this extraordinary world class spinner with much potential, could emerge from this small third world developing country - worse still is their inability to accept Murali's action being cleared by the ICC and, to so fall in line.

Never since the game of cricket began, has there been a bowler on this score, having to undergo such humiliation, embarrassment and inconvenience, as Murali did. Subjecting himself as well, to rigorous scrutiny and examination, where lesser mortals would have wilted. But Murali made of sterner stuff, eventually triumphed over adversity with much composure, equanimity and resilience of a high order.

When the history of Sri Lanka cricket come to be written, we are more than certain that this gem of a spinner unearthed in this country, will most deservingly be featured with much prominence.

Not forgetting as well, men like Arjuna, Rienzie Wijetilleke, Ana Punchchihewa, Sumathipala and yet others, who stout heartedly rallied round Murali, to see him forge ahead. If test cricket is to enjoy continuity, then there must be phenomenal star performers like Murali.

And what might the world of cricket have been without this spin wizard, who has become the cynosure of all. Making as well test cricket exciting and attractive to add lustre and glamour to a game, that is always threatened by the 'one dayers'.

This is an aspect that Chris Broad and his ilk with broader vision must address their minds to.

We regard the phase that Murali is passing thorough as a temporary set back which will soon clear. But it turns out to the contrary, then test cricket will be that much poorer with parochialism and pettiness being the order of the day.

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