General Elections 2004 - RESULTS
Wednesday, 7 April 2004  
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Business community to extend fullest support to achieve economic goals

After the clear victory of the United People's Freedom Alliance led by President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga at the General Election on April 2 and Mahinda Rajapakse sworn in as Prime Minister of the new Government yesterday, the Business Desk of the Daily News spoke to several top business personalities in key trade chambers, banking, industry, import and export, plantation and agriculture and travel and tourism.

All of them pledged their overwhelming support towards the new Government to resolve two burning issues, achieving lasting peace in the country and rapid economic growth.

Here are their views:

President of the Joint Business Forum (J-biz) Mahendra Amarasuriya said that the business community would extend their fullest support to achieve the economic and other aspirations of the new government as the success of the economic and social development lies in a joint effort between the government and the private sector.

Amarasuriya said that the new government should start the peace negotiations with LTTE on a high priority basis to achieve a lasting peace acceptable to every ethnic group in the country while creating a conducive environment for the local and private sector to exploit its potential in Sri Lanka.

He said the new government should formulate comprehensive economic policies for the future with business friendly approaches and giving more emphasis on immediate infrastructure developments such as highways, electricity and the Southern Port Project and Hambantota Harbour.

"We would like to see the new government taking strict measures to eliminate bribery and corruption while vesting more powers with the Bribery Commission. We would mostly welcome the new government's desire to look into the problems of the farming community to rejuvenate the agricultural sector in the county", he said.

The Chairman of Ceylinco Consolidated, Dr. Lalith Kotelawala said that Sri Lanka today is portrayed as the finest democracy in Asia since the JVP and LTTE and radical religious elements have embraced democratic means to achieve their aspirations while the UPFA is setting a new economic order to revive the SME and SMI sectors in the country. "I would extend my fullest cooperation to the new government's endeavours to develop the economy from the bottom approaches.

My economic aspirations are also in keeping with the mixed economic policy spelt out by the new government and I would help any attempts taken to put right the rural economy particularly the agriculture and fishing sectors", Dr. Kotelawala said.

Chairman and Managing Director of Hatton National Bank, Rienzie Wijetilleke said that it was everyone's duty to help form a strong government to ensure a stable economy in the country. The prevailing peace process should be carried out to achieve a concrete solution to the ethnic problem.

Wijetilleke emphasized on a prudent economic policy if the country is to improve every sector including tourism. He said that new government should adopt policies to improve the efficiency and productivity of the government and public sector. As a banker I would also like see the financial sector maintaining a low interest rate regime and a stable rupee in the future.

Secretary General of Business Chamber of Commerce, Jagath Savanadasa welcoming the victory of the UPFA said that the new government should introduce more selective policies on imports to encourage local entrepreneurs.

President SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry Macky Hashim said the elections have clearly proven that Sri Lanka is a country that acts according to the wishes of the people. "This in others words proves that true democracy prevails in the country and this is a major attraction for foreign investors," he said.

He said that what an investor first looks at is the political climate and if an election is free and fair and without violence they are more than ready to invest.

The new government must build on the economic growth and I am sure Sri Lanka can soon be made the gateway to the SAARC region.

Director Marketing and Sales Jetwing Travels, Lalin De Mel said that as long as there is peace the industry would surge ahead. He said that a violence free election sans post election violence have proved that Sri Lanka is a matured nation. "Tourists like to travel to such countries," he said.

He said that the People's Alliance jointly with the JVP have governed the country earlier and it had not created any problems to the travel industry.

Chairman for the Alliance for Protection on National Resources and Human Rights, Ven. Mahamankadawela Piyaratne Thera said that the privatisation of state banks and natural resources such as water, irrigation tanks and forests caused the downfall of the former government. He saidthe former government was more keen to obtain foreign aid and use it to attract foreign investors. "Most of the contracts from these loans were given back to donor countries and this must stop," he said.

The Thera said that they are not against the future government obtaining loans but said that they should not be under obligation to the donors. "After all the donors' survival depends on the loans taken by the third world," he said.

An official of the Hambantota Chamber of Commerce said that this is the first time Hambantota had produced a Prime Minister and added that it would lead to major developments for the region. "Many projects such as the Hambantota Harbour and the airport had been put on hold and this is the best time to go ahead with these projects," he said.

The new Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse had been behind these projects and with him at the helm these projects would speed up. He said that the Prime Minister would be the best marketing tool to attract investors to the region.

Chief Executive Officer North Western Province Economic Commission G. Tilakaratne said that they had met President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga and the newly elected governments members before the elections. They had assured they would bring about solutions to most of the problems faced by the coconut growers. One major problem faced by them is the lack of a good international market," he said.

He said they also met President Kumaratunga who assured the maximum support for the Small and Medium sector entrepreneurs. "We are confident that she will keep her promises," he said.

The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Chairman Tilak de Zoysa said that the newly appointed government should adopt market friendly and globally accepted policies.

"We will join hands with the new government if they are ready to promote good economic policies to lead the country forward. We hope they would initiate a plan to curb inflation, exchange rates and build the stock market confidence. We are looking forward to the establishment of a stable government to achieve these objectives which would help to develop the country," he said

He said that the new government must continue with the peace process, as it will promote the influx of tourists.

Chairman, Colombo Brokers' Association, Bryan Baptist said the new government should address the implementation of zero tariff rates to Pakistan on exports of tea to that country.

This should be a priority matter because this would have far reaching effects on the tea industry, and would boost prices.

There is good reason because the Collective Agreement on plantation wages would become an issue mid year, and if in the meantime prices increase, the wage increase could be cushioned.

Chairman, Rubber Traders' Association Amanda Weerasinghe said the verdict of the people should be accepted, and good governance should be given priority. The opposition has now formed the Government.

They criticised the last Government and now since they are in the driving seat they should rectify the defects. They should be given a chance to prove themselves. Progress of the country should come first. Rubber smallholders should be encouraged.

Director General, National Agri Business Council Dr. U. P. D. S. Waithyanathan said that they would felicitate the new Government. Key concerns should be to make every farmer an Agri businessman. What is meant is that he or she should make enough profits that the person does not need to be dependent, but be a decision maker himself.

The subsidy on fertiliser should not be an issue, because fertiliser is only 10% of farming costs, or 5% of urea costs. Profitability on paddy farming is only Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 1,500 per acre per season. This is inadequate.

The whole concept of assistance to farmers should be reviewed. Low production should be addressed and milk production should be encouraged.

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