Wednesday, 28 January 2004  
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CP to give critical support to Alliance

The Communist Party of Sri Lanka said in a media communique yesterday that it will continue to remain a constituent party of the People's Alliance

The CPSL further said that it will support the newly formed SLFP-JVP alliance through constructive criticism while keeping the distinctive identity of the CPSL.

The Central Executive Committee of the CPSL having considered the policy statement agreed upon by the SLFP and the JVP, appreciate the inclusion of the abolition of the Executive Presidency and electoral reforms in the manifesto of the new alliance, the communique said.

The CPSL urged the JVP to agree with the SLFP's position outlining the solution to the ethnic conflict. The CPSL acknowledged the JVP's agreement to hold talks with the LTTE as a step forward on the part of the JVP.

The past experiences of the CPSL since the "Yamuna" Convention of 1947 till the formation of People's Alliance in 1994 were considered by the Central Executive Committee paying special attention to power balance on global basis as well as within the country, it continued.

It further said that the CPSL, shared the leftist wing majority view that the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is not a mere terrorist problem but a problem with political, social, economic and cultural factors in the back ground and that the problem cannot be solved by waging war and that a solution must be approached by way of bilateral discussion. The CPSL has already warned of the UNP strategy of using the leftist progressive peace forces outside the alliance to form a new liberal force that can be used as pawns in the hands of the imperialists to serve their petty objectives.

The CPSL emphasise the ideological difference between the SLFP and the JVP on the policy of finding a solution to the ethnic problem and points out that this contradiction of policy tends to strengthen communalism and separatism thereby paving the way for imperialist intervention in the crisis, the communique said.

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