Monday, 25 November 2002  
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Govt. - LTTE Ceasefire Agreement

Government - Gazette

Sunday Observer

Budusarana On-line Edition

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe shakes hands with LTTE Chief Negotiator Anton Balasingham at the Holmenkollen Park Hotel in Oslo yesterday. Norwegian Peace Envoy Erik Solheim is at right. Picture by Sudath Silva.

40 countries for Oslo parley: Global show of support for Lanka

by Arjuna Ranawana in Oslo

Delegations from around the world began trickling in to the Holmenkollen Park Hotel in Oslo, Norway yesterday in preparation for the Support Conference for the Sri Lanka peace process beginning today. The meeting, taking place on this snow-clad mountaintop overlooking the Norwegian capital, will see officials from nearly 40 countries making up the biggest Sri Lanka-specific international conference ever.
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A historic meeting

It was a meeting that provided the first bit of excitement for the press at the Holmenkollen Park Hotel since the delegates for the Peace support conference arrived. It was also the first meeting between a leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and a Prime Minister of Sri Lanka after 12 years.
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Lanka and India in IT initiative

India and Sri Lanka will shortly sign a bilateral agreement that will focus on developing the e-Lanka initiative, Science and Technology Minister Milinda Moragoda told the Daily News yesterday.
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Lanka-US ink pact on Criminal Court

Sri Lanka and the United States signed an Agreement yesterday regarding the Surrender of Persons to the International Criminal Court. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tyronne Fernando, signed the agreement on behalf of Sri Lanka and US Ambassador Ashley Wills signed on behalf of the United States.
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Peace Front urges political consensus

A very unstable situation seems to have arisen in a very unfavourable manner between the Government and the President in relation to the peace initiative that has developed from the signing of the ceasefire agreement on 22nd February to the talks in Thailand, states a press release.
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