Tuesday, 14 May 2002  
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Government - Gazette

Sunday Observer

Budusarana On-line Edition


A new religious order..!

The new American missionary recruits to the Asian countries put down their heads as their leader entered the room. "You have been chosen," thundered the leader as the heads looked up at him with awe, "to go into the countries of Asia and win souls." "Amen," shouted the recruits as they bowed their heads down to the ground and then looked up at their leader.

"Many years ago, in leaking ships and in cramped conditions your forefathers went and converted the heathen of those lands." "Amen," said the new recruits in unison. "Now it is your turn to bring them back into our fold again."

"Amen" murmured the new recruits.

"You will be viewed initially with suspicion and distrust, but as you open your good books there will be a dramatic change"

"Amen," said the recruits.

"You will each be given a good book. Use it well ."

"Amen," said the recruits.

"Luckily for you this good book will be thinner then the one your forefathers had to carry. But when you finish with the book another one will be ready for you and another and another and another and with the book you will capture the hearts of the heathen."

"Amen," said the new recruits together.

"Remember," said the American leader, "that it is to our god that they will finally have to bend their knees. We do not want their heathen pagan gods anymore. You will have to see that everyone, every single one of them accepts the one we worship."

"Amen," murmured the new recruits.

"You will be given ample funds to build worship places to house our great god. Build them well and strong and with pillars that will house underground places of worship too."

"Amen," said the new recruits.

"You may now all rise and bow to the all powerful god who is just waiting to convert the people of the whole of Asia. A god who will change their lives and in the process make our lives sweeter. Rise every one"

The new recruits rose and raised their heads reverently as the curtain behind their leader drew apart. They with their leader knelt and raised their hands in prayer to the picture of the god they revered and worshipped."

The spotlights shone on the single dollar bill that glowed in power and glory from its place centre stage. The recruits and their leader remained raised their hands in praise and supplication.

The leaders voice rang out again.

"This is the model of the place of worship," and the spotlight shone on a bank building"

"Amen," said the new recruits with awe.

"And here are your good books, use them well to bring those nations to us," said the leader as he distributed cheque books to all the recruits present"

"Amen, " said the new missionary recruits as they stuffed their cheque books into their briefcases and rose to head to the their new Asian fields to bring their dollar god to the poor rupee nations..!

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