Tuesday, 14 May 2002  
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Government - Gazette

Sunday Observer

Budusarana On-line Edition

Peace Process - some reflections

by Oscar E. V. Fernando

As a civilized nation with centuries old religious beliefs, we certainly could attempt to abstain from hatred. Forgiveness is just that. Forgiveness however, does not mean, to stall the Law taking its own course and punishing the wrong doer. It is with such an attitude that we in Sri Lanka should approach the peace negotiating process.

So much talk of Tamil and Muslim refugees, but very little about Sinhala refugees. Though some have jumped the gun, the Singhalese need not get alarmed, as this is a subject for negotiations. LTTE has always talked of a Tamil Homeland. They say this includes Tamil speaking Muslims. LTTE also maintains that the Government has no writ over North and East this being the central point for negotiations. In this context could the SL government take up the refugee problem at this stage?

At present foreign aid is given to reconstruct and rehabilitate a war ravaged north and East. Even during the so-called liberation war when the LTTE was trying to denounce the writ of the Government over North and East it was the Sri Lanka Central Government that looked after our Tamil citizens in the North and East. Now the same Central Government whose writ was not recognized by the LTTE is carrying out reconstruction and rehabilitation of this region with the given foreign aid.

This is nothing new. But however Sinhala sentiments are roused by extremist elements to the effect that this Government is neglecting the Singhalese. After making a minus situation normal in N and E,the people have given a mandate to the government to take all steps to bring the whole country into a plus situation. Should we not give it a chance?

One has to understand that the writ of the Government has to be gradually imposed in LTTE controlled areas and we can see this happening discreetly and a few arrests are being made. In such a situation which is the institution that could punish them? Is it the Monitoring Mission? They have no such sovereign powers. They could only observe and report at the opportune time. The significance in the current ceasefire agreement is that all violations made by either side will be closely watched by the nations that matter including the Central government of New Delhi in India, which is the most important nation in this whole exercise. Even more of significance this time is that several other powerful nations are watching and not only New Delhi.

This is what we have to achieve from the Monitoring Mission and not punitive action. Quite rightly the Prime Minister has stated that they would go forward for negotiations in spite of the violations of the CFA by the LTTE. The conduct and behaviour of the LTTE which they now maintain is the sole representative of the Sri Lankan Tamils, will surely be taken up by the Comity of Nations, if and when they stake a claim for a separate state of Eelam in this little piece of earth called Sri Lanka. Should we not take cognizance of the fact that the most powerful nations have reiterated that they will never recognize a separate state of eelam in Sri Lanka? Then why fear that the present government is working towards it.

Take the case of two class mates A and B, fighting for a chair. A says it is his chair and B says it is not his chair but that it belongs to the whole class. If any one were to request them to stop fighting and start talking and placing each ones case before a monitor, is it logical to ask A to give up his demand for the chair before commencing talks. Then what is there to talk about ? While talking dispassionately people come to their senses at times!? Well if people do not see sense then perhaps we must take the next step, this time around prudently. But let them come to the negotiating table on the same status quo.

At one stage the government fought a civil war with a local terrorist group, who earned their keep from within, and won it. Have these warmongers stopped to think from where the LTTE is earning its keep? How war materials are brought to the Northern shores? Is it just another civil war then?

First, let them with other sensible Sri Lankans see the resource route for the LTTE. Take all steps necessary to plug this. Let the Navy take over the army personnel, who hopefully would become redundant, after negotiations, and guard the sea coast surrounding the North and East.This is however a problem to be solved immediately, irrespective of the commencement of negotiations. Perhaps it is well for the SL Government to consider requesting the New Delhi Government to send this time, not an IPKF but an INPKF (Indian Naval Peacekeeping Force), pending negotiations or even for a period there after.

It is only after the Navy takes up such a strong position, that the war- mongers should cry WAR.Yes.On such a strong wicket; why not give negotiations and peace a chance?

LTTE wants deproscription before talks commence. The nations that have proscribed the LTTE have expressed their opinion that DP of LTTE will not affect their stand on the matter. The Prime Minister has stated categorically that this request by the LTTE will be taken at the opportune time,perhaps depending on the stance taken by the LTTE when negotiations are in progress. He has also said that the final decision of negotiations will not be implemented without being discussed in Parliament. Should there be any anxiety at this stage?

High tempers were rampant a short time ago. Much has subsided now. There is always the element rousing up tempers, probably for short-term gain. Habitual ploys to set up the two major communities, which have been done in the past, should not provoke the Singhalese. Habits take time to leave.

As a civilized nation with centuries old religious beliefs, we certainly could attempt to abstain from hatred. Forgiveness is just that. Forgiveness however does not mean, to stall the Law taking its own course and punishing the wrong doer.

It is with such an attitude that we in Sri Lanka should approach the PEACE NEGOTIATING PROCESS.

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