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The Geography of Tea

Author:Maxwell Fernando

Published by Standard Trading Co. (Pvt) Ltd

Once nations become wealthy through trade and commerce, they turn to agriculture and introduce them to their gardens. In the era of great explorations, plant life followed the footsteps of the explorers in their journeys of discovery. When the travel of commercial crops commenced, they were always recalled as a "Romantic tale of espionage and adventure."

It is on this idyllic tale of espionage and challenging experience, the entire story of the travel of commercial plants is solidly established.

Like humans, plants too have been on the move from time immemorial, and it is no surprise the tea plant too like others, has done its rounds. An attempt has been made by Maxwell Fernando to trace the ancient tea tracks of the world.

Originally, tea was an exclusive Chinese possession that resisted all attempts to transplant it in other soils. Tea drinking too was exclusively Chinese, and it had to be changed to suit local conditions in the countries of its later adoption. Today, tea has travelled to the moon.

This is a well-researched publication that covers all the aspects of the tea plant in transit. Publication of this book is an enormous undertaking, that should provide enjoyable reading not only to the student of tea, but also to the average reader. He will find it interesting and rewarding.

Maxwell Fernando has made innumerable contributions by way of articles and dissertations to newspapers, periodicals, and international trade journals. He is the author of many books, His first publication was in 1995 captioned Commemorating 100 years of the Colombo Tea Traders Association spanning the period 1894 to 1994.

Four years later he wrote about William Somerville, the pioneer tea broker. This publication was sponsored by Somerville and Company Ltd.

In the year 2000 he authored a book titled "The Story Of Ceylon Tea" published in Sri Lanka by Mlesna (Ceylon) Limited. This story had been told several times earlier, but this book covers the early development of the industry and brings the story up to date with the recent privatisation of the government controlled plantations.

In his latest publication "The Geography of Tea" published by Standard Trading Co. (Pvt) Ltd, he attempts to follow the travels of the tea plant that was originally a firmly guarded Chinese possession. It resisted all early attempts to transport it to other soils. But spread it did.

Today over two dozen countries are growing tea on a commercial scale, and his publication attempts to study the changes that have taken place among the major tea producers and the consumers in the world. It is an absorbing production, produced after considerable research. 

Crescat Development Ltd.

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