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Friday, 18 January 2002  
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Sunday Observer

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Brahma Baba - a great visionary

Brahma Baba, whose thirty third day of spiritual ascension to the angelic state is celebrated today (18) was a many splendoured personality. First and foremost he was a moral colossus.

Never did he break any moral principle under pressure of public opinion or because of any economic reasons. He was a man of super intellectual integrity and of unparalleled moral excellence. He was a living example in yoga-ethics, in spiritual culture and mental equanimity.

An Able Administrator, A Far - Sighted Planner And Great Visionary

He was, however, not a mere reformer but also a great administrator whose method of administration was based on love and regard for the human individual, whose motive was service, of mankind and whose goal was attainment of perfection at god-speed.

He was a wise and farseeing sage with an uncanny vision. Seeing far ahead of his times, he modelled Brahma Kumaris institution as a spiritual University and made it into a self-generating and sustaining system.

He could foresee which souls could and would play which worthy role in future and, therefore, decades in advance, he started grooming and guiding them for these major social responsibilities.

He planned for the growth of the institution on a short term, middle term and long - term basis.

At a time when there was bitter opposition against the institution, and the number of the votaries of the institution was small, he could tell with full assurance that the institution will expand unimaginably well and its work would, in future, be recognized very widely and at the highest levels of society.

He could see, far in advance, the nature of service the Brahma Kumaris institution would be required to do in the future and, therefore, he trained them for those situations with unequalled foresight. It was thus because of his foresight, planning and guidance that the institution has attained the expansion and stature it now has, and a large band of dedicated first, second and succeeding line of workers it has created.

The Best Exponent Of Shiva Baba's System Of Philosophy And Practice

Another tribute is his contribution to the better and correct understanding of the self and the world. Though he himself did not have formal university education, he was intellectually a giant who became a divine instrument for laying the foundations of a unique university.

Not only did he have mastery over the intricacies and subtleties of metaphysics, depth of esoteric sciences and newer and newer heights of spiritual practices but he was also able to highlight their different aspects and benefits in an excellent manner, and was able to compare these tenets with the prevalent ones with a marvellous simplicity and rare clarity. He was thus Shiva Baba's true interpreter and also the best exponent of the thought, word and deed and all that Shiva Baba stands for.

His felicity of expression could make the most abstruse point seem simple. He had the gift of being able to speak to different men at different levels.

He could teach children with as much ease as he could teach teachers of post-graduate classes. He could address the laity and he learned, equality effectively in terms which could stir their minds. He could carry conviction to individuals with his power of deep thought, precise expression, firm faith and, above all, his honesty of purpose, his sincerity in practice, his deep understanding of men, and his woeful nature.

There are examples of many men and women who came to him in a state of deep mental agony and his words and acts worked as solvents for despondency and despair.

There are also instances when intellectuals came to him with knotty questions, and his brief and clear answers brought transformation to their lives, opening their psychic knots. His words had a special magic, and the day is not far off when his clear, stirring voice will be treated more than the voice of Cassandra of the ancient times or of the oracles of Delphi.

Endearing Personality And Tireless Work

He had not only a towering intellect but had all those ingredients of personality which endear a person to all - children, men, women, youth - whosoever met him felt as if they were his most beloved ones. They, therefore, developed a fond love for him. Thus he possessed the warmest of hearts.

He was a true lover of humanity and had a feeling for the suffering masses; it was this which made him work untiringly for nineteen or twenty hours a day. In his zest for work for the suffering mankind, age was no bar to the activities of his humming dynamo of mental and spiritual energy.

Not for him was the satisfaction of enjoying a placid quiet of the mountains in the autumn years of his life. For him even at the age of 80, there was only the intense, unrelenting fervour to carry on with the task of man's liberation from evil until the last hour of his physical existence.

Firmness Of Will

He was very firm in putting his resolve into action. No one was ever able to overcome his will or rupture his sense of public duty.

When he raised the banner to "Total Purity", people formed an alliance to oppose him. They resorted to all sorts of ways.

They instigated the masses, put pressure on him through the members of the legislature and even threatened to take violent action. But he had a granite will, which made him tower over the stormy scene. Some people listened to God's call of Purity and rallied round him, a few others who had previously associated themselves with him, left him.

But, though the winds veered or current shifted, he always steered by the same stars - Shiva Baba's advice, his courageous intellectual conviction and the voice of his clear conscience.

Utter Simplicity

One of his major characteristics was his utter simplicity and his spirit of renunciation which have, become almost a byword. He ruled the minds of great many and could have lived a life of full comfort but all this had not corroded his innate simplicity and humbleness.

Elevating Influence On The Life Of Many

It is of great significance that he transformed the lives of many in a short time. Those who did not have any hope of inner transformation could find a new power which made the spiritual metamorphosis now easy. Such was his spiritualising and civilising influence that it enabled many to take up the goal of total purity, renouncing sex-lust and other evils.

With the arts of gentle persuasion, quiet diplomacy, natural love, etc. he was able to bring his spiritual influence to bear on so many. That is why today this institution has such a large task force of dedicated spiritual workers among them most are sisters and mothers who, under his inspiration, took courage to renounce and to take path to Godly Knowledge.

The extent to which thousands of ladies and gentlemen all over the world love and follow him shows the measure of respect in which they hold him.

In fact no other figure in world history has, at his age, and against such overwhelming odds tried so much, loved so much and gave so much to the people.

The Sri Lanka branch of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is commemorating the 33rd day of spiritual ascension of Brahma Baba to the angelic stage on 18th January 2002 with the full day programme of meditation for Peace.

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