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Friday, 18 January 2002  
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BPL selects two workers for training in India

Bogawantalawa Plantations Limited (BPL), a pioneer in the implementation of cordial relationships between workers and the management in the plantation industry of the country has reached another milestone in its history with the selection of two of its workers for a week's training in India.

The two employees will be accompanied by the Senior Manager of Maha Oya Group, Dehiowita, Dhammika Kobbekaduwe and will visit three enterprises in India under the study tour.

BPL sources said that the selected workers were also union leaders while being employed as tappers and estate KPs.

This was the first time that two workers have been selected for training abroad Director BPL, Jayampathy Molligoda told the Daily News.

The training program has been initiated by the ILO/Norway regional project to promote tripartism and sound industrial relations in Asia also known as the South Asia and Vietnam Project on Tri-partism and Social Dialogue in Action (SAVPOT)

The project has selected three to five enterprises from each participating country and a series of workshops conducted for the participants, representing managers and workers allowing them to identify problems and priorities. The workshops have paved the way for better industrial relations between the management and workers encouraging the workplace co-operation between management and workers.

The experiences from the participating enterprises will be shared at national conferences attended by scholars, government officials and labour administrators with the objective of influencing a national labour policy and bringing legislation into conformity with the principles of the fundamental ILO conventions.

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