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Operation destabilization Stage II

The PA-JVP accord of September 5 dealt a heavy blow to the forces of destabilization that were pushing the country towards anarchy. It also thwarted the conspiracy of the UNP to wrest power through illegitimate means. The constitutional coup it planned misfired.

This unexpected turn of events shocked the destabilizing forces resulting in a lull in their activities.

However, they now seemed to have absorbed the shock and started the Second Stage in Operation destabilization.

The principal thrust in their new offensive is the PA-JVP accord, which won wide popular acclaim. They know that stabilization of the accord would be a big blow to the reactionary forces that are planning to install a UNP regime by illegitimate means.

The JVP, which was a darling of the so-called free media till September, has all of a sudden turned a villain in the eyes of reactionary press barons subservient to the UNP.

The "free media" echoing the voice of their masters are sparing no effort to find fissures in the PA-JVP accord and blow up even minor and inconsequential differences that are natural to exist among democratic parties.

They have also converted themselves into ardent peaceniks and supporters of devolution. There is no end to their lament over certain imaginary setbacks to the peace process and devolution through constitutional reform that the MoU between the PA and JVP is alleged to contain.

The Government has gone out of its way to allay any genuine fears that the Tamil community and peace loving public may have over Clause 20 in the MoU which bars specific devolution legislation for a period of one year. This does not in any way prevent the government from entering into negotiations with the LTTE or any other party with the intention of arriving at a negotiated end to the war and a peaceful resolution of the ethnic conflict.

The JVP too has started a process of holding discussions with the Tamil parties. It has clearly stated that it does not stand in the way of any talks with the LTTE.

To be realistic, one should know that even if talks start tomorrow the process would take more than an year. It is naive to believe that a problem that has grown over several decades and even developed into an armed conflict could be solved within a course of few weeks or months.

The obstacle for the evolution of the peace process is not the JVP but the UNP, which is stubbornly refusing to arrive at a bipartisan consensus with the PA on the question. Their behaviour leads to suspicion whether they are working in collusion with the Tigers to bring down the Government. Developments within the last few months clearly show that the Tigers prefer a UNP government. Both the UNP and the LTTE seem to be talking over the same wavelength.

The UNP has also not lost hopes in dividing the PA or the SLFP. It is no secret that it is in contact with dissident elements.

Another campaign by the UNP is to instill fear among investors and sections of the business community that the government has capitulated to the JVP, a hardcore Marxist outfit that will destroy the capitalists and usher workers' rule overnight.

Incidentally, the pattern is similar to what happened in 1964 when the reactionary forces brought down the SLFP - LSSP coalition government through a concerted campaign.

The reactionaries spent lavishly to bribe members of progressive parties and made liberal use of the media then. There is no doubt that they are up to the same dirty tricks even today.

It is only vigilance by the popular forces and political wisdom of the leaders and members of progressive political parties and groups that can thwart the reactionary assault on the government.

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